Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital | NABH Accredited

About Us

Sreedhareeyam Hospitals
Redefining Ayurveda

By ingeniously blending Ayurvedic wisdom with state-of-the-art technology, Sreedhareeyam has truly revolutionized Ayurvedic practices. Rigorous clinical trials and modern quantification techniques have led to the creation of highly effective Ayurvedic treatments and medications that have positively impacted millions globally. Moreover, Sreedhareeyam's ongoing research and close collaborations with experts ensure the continuous advancement and global leadership of its Ayurvedic methods in the realm of holistic healthcare.

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Our Doctors

Doctors Panel

A team of over 150 professionally qualified doctors who are dedicated to the practice of Ayurvedic excellence are the cornerstone of our commitment to holistic well-being and Ayurvedic healing. Their deep expertise, honed through rigorous training and experience, ensures that each patient receives the highest standard of care and personalized treatments.

Dr. Narayanan Namboothiri
MD (Ayu)

Director & Chief Physician

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Dr. Sreekala  N P

Deputy Chief Physician

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Dr. Sreekanth P Namboothiri
MS (Ayu) PhD

Director & Chief Medical Officer

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Dr. Anjaly  N V
MD (Ayu) PhD

Sr. Medical Officer

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Eye of Ayurveda

Five Eye Specialties

Corneal disease is a group of conditions that affect your cornea (the clear window at the front of your eye).

Arrow Corneal and Scleral Disease

Vascular disease includes any condition that affects your circulatory system, or system of blood vessels. This ranges from diseases of your arteries, veins and lymph vessels to blood disorders that affect circulation.

Arrow Vascular Disease

Refractive errors are a common eye condition that occurs when the eye's shape prevents light from focusing directly on the back of the eye

Arrow Refractive Errors

Degenerative disease is the result of a continuous process based on degenerative cell changes, affecting tissues or organs, which will increasingly deteriorate over time

Arrow Neuro and Degenerative disease

It occurs when inflammatory cells travel to the place of an injury or foreign body like bacteria. If inflammatory cells stay too long, it may lead to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is a symptom of other health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Arrow Inflammatory Disease

General Treatments

General / Multi-Specialty

Abhyanga is an individually prepared herbal-oil massage designed to deeply penetrate the skin, relax the mind-body, break up impurities, and stimulate both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It enhances the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste. The desired result is a heightened state of awareness that will direct the internal healing system of the body.

Arrow Abhyanga Massage

Shirodhara is administered by gently and methodically pouring warm herbalized oil over the forehead, synchronizing brain waves and profoundly coordinating and calming the mind, body, and spirit.

Arrow Shirodhara

Pizichili is a continuous stream of warm herbalized oil soothingly poured over the body by two Ayurvedic therapists as they massage the body in perfect unison. The warmth of the oil and synchronicity of the massage combine for a deep tissue cleansing while supporting a heightened state of awareness that transcends description.

Arrow Pizichili

Udvartana is a deeply penetrating herbal paste lymphatic massage. This powerful exfoliating treatment magically Restore Your Natural Radiance conditions the skin while pressing stagnant lymphatic toxins out of the body.

Arrow Udvartana

Our Branch network

Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye clinics And Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

36/2415 B,Sreedhareeyam Building, Near St.Francis Church, Kathrikkadavu Road, Kaloor, Kochi- 682017

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contact number +91 484 406 1200

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye clinics And Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

Opp.Madhav Rao Scindia Hospital, THALAPPU,KANNUR -670002

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contact number +91 906 103 3335

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics& Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

22/180-B, Sreedhareeyam Building, West Mankavu P O, Kozhikode -29

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contact number +91 954 494 9993

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics& Panchakarma CentrePvt Ltd

Jeevanahalli Main Rd, Heerachand Layout, Jeevanhalli, Cox Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005

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contact number +91 963 299 0076

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics & Panchkarma Centre

Office No: 215, Shiv Centre Premises Co-operative Society Ltd, Second Floor, Plot No: 72, Sector No: 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703.

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contact number +91 887 949 0717

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics & Panchkarma Centre Pvt Ltd

1/46, Vijay Enclave, Opp. Jindal Public School, Main Dabri Palam Road, Palam Colony, New Delhi - 110045.

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contact number +91 703 402 0057

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics& Panchakarma Centre(P) Ltd.

Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics& Panchakarma Centre(P) Ltd, Dairy trust campus, Sheela nagar, Visakhapatnam-530 012

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contact number +91 703 402 1515

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OP Clinic Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics and Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

House No.765/400, Chathur Buja Doss Street, Poonamalle High Road, Kilpauk, Land mark:behind aarthi scans, Chennai-10

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contact number +91 999 423 7641

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Hospital Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics & Panchkarma Centre Pvt Ltd

Flat No: 101-102, Majestic Heights, No: 5-9-201/B/A, Chirag Ali Lane ABIDS, Hyderabad - 500001

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contact number +91 703 402 0977

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OP Clinic Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics & Panchakarma centre

No.20 D, Lal Bahadur Colony, Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641001

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contact number +91 920 778 0022

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OP Clinic Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Clinics and Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

God’s Garden ,2nd floor, 4 royal Street,Ellis Nagar, 70 Feet Road,Raja Muthaiya Nagar , Madurai-625010

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contact number +91 887 049 6008

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OP Clinic Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye clinics And Panchakarma Centre Pvt Ltd

42/1, Thirunagar Colony Meenachi Sundaram Street , Near VOC Park Back Gate ,Erode-3

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contact number +91 994 298 2000

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Latest News

Eyes Healed by Ayurvedic Treatment - By: Ashok Puri

Published : 03/Oct/2023

Ayurvedic eye treatment helped heal my eyes, after Western doctors declared my condition 'untreatable'. Some years ago, I had a cataract operation. At the time, I was overly anxious and excited to have my vision improved. Cataract operations are so routine and quick that I couldn't wait for the results. After the operation, I opened my right eye, expecting 20/20 vision. Unfortunately, this was not the case. My sight went unchanged and remained at 20/60. I was diagnosed with idiopathic perifoveal telangiectasia shortly after. This is a rare, irreversible condition in which there is leakage of fluid from extra blood vessels around the fovea, a part of the eye that allows sharp vision for reading and watching television. The worst part was not just that this condition can lead to blindness, but that there is no known cure in the allopathic system of conventional medicine. I was given one option, an expensive non FDA-approved injection called Avastin, which had no guaranteed results. While I was still contemplating whether I should go for the injection or not, my job brought me to India. I went door-to-door looking for answers, exploring everything from homoeopathy, naturopathic doctors, eye specialists, to mystic men with healing powers and quacks with claims of magic cures. Finally, I ended up in an eye clinic in Kerala, southern India. The clinic, called Sreedhareeyam, practiced Ayurveda --a system ancient Indian medicine, developed over thousands of years of trial and error. The head ayurvedic doctor assured me with confidence that the clinic could definitely arrest the leakage and further deterioration of my eye, but could not guarantee restoration of the already deleterious effects of the damage already done. This news was very reassuring. After three weeks of intense treatment in the clinic, I returned to Vancouver. My total expenses, including lodging, fees, treatments, a four-month supply of medicine and all meals, was only $800 CAD. None of this, of course, was covered by the Medical Service Plan (MSP). How did this ayurvedic treatment work? My typical day started daily at 5:30 am, with freshly prepared mixture of herbal extracts called kashayam. At 7 am, I was off to the massage centre where two strong masseurs were ready to tone me with specially prepared oil mixtures. They work on you in the such synchronized time that you would think only one person is massaging you. At around 9:30 am, I would begin the netra dhara, a special cleansing technique of pouring of herbal extracts in a stream over the eyes for 15 – 20 minutes. After receiving treatment, Ashok Puri and his fellow patients enjoy their surroundings. After lunch, I went through shirodhara, which involves gently pouring of liquids over the forehead -- the third eye, in Hindu religion. Of all the treatments, I loved the shirodhara the most, during which I felt completely stress-free. I was also treated with khizi, a massage given through heat which essentially involves very hot oil being applied through a technique similar to the energetic strokes of a wire brush. All the above treatments are essentially preparing the patient for the final treatment, which is performed for the last full week. Tharpanam means retention of medicines over the eyes for 30 minutes or more a day. Big wells of dough are put onto your eyes, and are poured on with warm herbalated ghee (clarified butter). The frequency and dosage depends on the extent of the problem. You are kept blind folded for almost three hours with the most refreshing bandage I have ever felt. Imagine petals of cooling flowers being used, instead of cotton. Evenings are free time, so people gather in the front of the old home of the family to share their stories and experiences. Some sing hymns, Bollywood songs, and people from different regions tell a variety of jokes. Many people go to the evening congregation at the temple. It is a delightful sight to see all the walls of the temple lit with thousands of diyas (oil filled lamps). The place is filled with high energy. Everybody has a positive attitude and is in good spirits. Dejected people who had previous failed treatments feel once again full of hope after hearing the success stories of others. Most of the medicines used in the clinic are prepared from the herbs grown on-site. Panchkarama, herbal massages, shirodhara, basti, netra dhara and tharpanam are the main treatments. The most common treatments are for near-sightedness, glaucoma, diabetic retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, age-related degeneration and diseases related to the optic nerve. When I came back, my ophthalmologist in Vancouver was surprised to find that there was no leakage and that my eye site had become 20/20 in both eyes. He taunted me as to why I was still wearing glasses. Since the appointment, I only wear glasses while reading. The Sreedhareeyam eye clinic is operated by a team of highly trained and experienced ayurveds (doctors). The business has been running in the family for many generations. The premises is set up in a resort-like facility away from the hustle of big cities and located near a small village. It has a capacity for over 300 patients and escorts, and contains a gorgeous kitchen which prepares all fresh vegetarian meals, as well as a canteen with internet facilities. It has a large research and development department and modern factories where the clinic's medications are manufactured. About 10% of the patients are from abroad, 35% are from the city of Kerala, and the rest come from from all parts of India. The dedication, sincerity of purpose, and a belief in the Hindu Goddess Badri Maa are quoted as the main reasons for the successful treatments of all the patients. Morning and evening prayers are performed daily by most patients and the doctors. Ayurvedic ophthalmology, or Netra Chikitsa, is a well-documented branch of Ayurveda, the ancient holistic medical science. Numerous Ayurvedic documents cover treatments for 70 to 90 eye ailments. Ophthalmology is taught up to the post graduate level, which takes up to eight and a half years to complete. Most eye-patients reach this treatment centre after exhausting all other options available to them. Presently, ayurvedic medicine is said to be the last hope for people who suffer from blindness. The specialists and doctors I have seen in Canada cannot believe that this ayurvedic treatment is working, nor can they explain to me why my condition is not worsening. Richard Dawkins, a renowned British ethologist, once said "there is no alternative medicine, there is only medicine that works and medicine that doesn't work.” It makes me wonder why the mainstream medical profession does not open its doors and gain some insight into the magic of these so-called alternatives, complementary systems. Most of these alternatives practitioners are finding it hard to compete with the mainstream system, as their treatment is not recognized by our government. Regardless, I go to my clinic in India for annual checkups and treatments. I do not know what brings me back every year. It may be the faith in the doctors, the medicines or the Goddess.

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Eyes Healed by Ayurvedic Treatment - By: Ashok Puri

CSIR-NIIST ties up with Sreedhareeyam to develop scientifically validated Ayurvedic products

Published : 10/Jan/2024

Ahead of its foundation day fete on Thursday, CSIR’s National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) has signed an agreement with Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedics and eye care hospital Koothattukulam for modernization of its Ayurvedic drug manufacturing facility to develop new products for health care application. Currently the company is running a specialized Ayurvedic Eye Hospital and Research Centre as well as a production facility and this collaboration with CSIR NIIST is intended to assure quality and authenticity for the existing products as well as for diversification into the functional foods and neutraceuticals.

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CSIR-NIIST ties up with Sreedhareeyam to develop scientifically validated Ayurvedic products

PM Modi congratulates Sreedhareeyam in Mann Ki Baat

Published : 10/Jan/2024

Hon. PM Narendra Modi Congratulated the ayurvedic treatment at Sreedhareeyam received by Mrs. Rosemary Odinga. She is the daughter of Former Kenyan Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, and the eye treatment at Sreedhareeyam helped her regain her lost eyesight.

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PM Modi congratulates Sreedhareeyam in Mann Ki Baat


Latest Blogs

Anxiety and stress are among the most prevalent mental health issues in modern society. The fast-paced lifestyle, excessive workload, financial instability, and emotional distress contribute significantly to these conditions. While conventional medicine provides pharmacological interventions, Ayurveda—a holistic system of medicine—offers natural, sustainable methods to manage and alleviate anxiety and stress by restoring harmony between the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Plantar Fasciitis, known in Ayurveda as Vatakantaka, is a painful and debilitating condition that affects the heel due to repeated micro-injuries, inflammation, and stress on the plantar fascia. The condition is primarily linked to an aggravation of Vata Dosha, which, when combined with Kapha imbalances, results in pain, stiffness, and swelling in the heel.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis (Vatakantaka)

Lumbar spondylosis is a degenerative condition affecting the lower spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. It occurs due to age-related wear and tear of intervertebral discs and facet joints.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Lumbar Spondylosis: Symptoms, Home Remedies, and Management

Bringing Ayurvedic Eye Care to You!

Mobile Ayurvedic eye clinic

Discover the convenience of our Mobile Eye Clinic, designed to reach you with precision. Access high end diagnostic services, treatments, and more without traveling to our centers. Explore our hsopiatl on wheels!

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Mobile Ayurvedic Eye Clinic


What they say about Sreedhareeyam!

Sarath Chandran

Local Guide

he visit to this place is more like a pilgrimage than just treatment. I guess the treatment is not just for body but to mind as well. Can body survive without mind ?? Isnt this aspect distinguishes traditional medicine from modern medicine!!!! Here they use modern equipments . So mix of modern and old methods. As soon as you enter one can see the nellikkattu bhagavathi temple inside the premise. The treatment and herbs are supposed to be related to this temple .

Vijay S


It is the only Ayurvedic hospital in India to cure or to maintain the vision of the person's affected by various eye problems such as Macular Degeneration, Retinopathy pigmentossa, Retinal detachment, Caretoconessa and so on

Justice P. Sathasivam

Former Governor of Kerala

It is a remarkable service to our people. My best wishes to all

Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga

Prime Minister of Kenya (2008-13)

We are extremely grateful to this hospital for restoring the eyesight to our daughter Rosemary following a tragic accident. The research and development in traditional medicine that has taken place in this institution in the field of traditional medicine is extremely encouraging. It offers a good opportunity for wide international cooperation particularly SOUTH / SOUTH in this subject. I look forward to see a Kenya / India cooperation in this field


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+91 485 225 3007



Koothattukulam, Kerala 686662

Mobile Eye Clinic

+91 485 225 3007

+91 485 227 6000


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Mon-Sat 09:00-12:30

Sunday Emergency only