Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital | NABH Accredited



Dr. Narayanan Namboothiri

Dr. Narayanan Namboothiri


MD (Ayu)


Director & Chief Physician

With 25 years of all-encompassing clinical experience and research background in Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. N. Narayanan Namboothiri is today the Chief Physician of Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital and Research Centre. He is proficient in all of the branches of Ayurveda. Being an expert in Dravyaguna Shastra (Ayurvedic Pharmacology), he understands the properties and the assimilation nature of each medicine used in Ayurveda and puts it to work in his clinical endeavours.

The skills which were obtained by him through the rigorous training received from the seniors of the family, were further sharpened by going through professional masters course in Ayurvedic ophthalmology. He embraces both the ancient system and the modern system of medicines and is also keen to update his knowledge reservoir by ardently following modern technological advancements and the latest research reports. He has received many awards for his elaborate contributions to Ayurveda as a whole and also to ayurvedic ophthalmology, which is constantly gaining relevance in an otherwise under-utilized branch of Ayurveda, that is Shalakya Tantra.